Some reflections on my 31st birthday ... 

I am alive and my aliveness is the sweetest gift

Breathing always redirects me to my center

I’m different every year as I move through this life - as I swim through the waters of ebb and flow

I’ve learned to question everything. EVERYTHING - it is my curiosities and intrigue that continually develops my unique roadmap of beliefs and values. 

I am my own best teacher. I’ve learned to savor what resonates and release anything that doesn’t. 

God is everywhere and in everything - always communicating with us - we just have to be turned on, willing to hear, willing ton engage. Life lights up when we’re paying attention. 

Miracles are constantly swirling around us and touching our lives. From the tiny drops to the grand oceans. They’re always present for us. 

Freedom is a choice - one that requires a willingness to be radically responsible for who we are right now. One that requires authentic forgiveness. Forgiveness is medicine for our spirits. 

There is tremendous power and opportunity in pain. My greatest heartbreaks have broken me open to the greatest love - love I couldn’t have appreciated or been present for without knowing the deepest darkness and despair 

Expectations no longer govern my emotions 

I trust life. I trust its working for me. I trust God. I’m learning more and more to trust myself - and when I do it’s amazing how life flows with ease. 

Moments of uncertainty are valuable if we can stick it out. There’s information there

My body ALWAYS knows. I’ve learned to pay more attention to how I feel in my body - that innate intelligence - than getting attached to the vacillating mind play

Gratitude is key to a rich and meaningful experience. Gratitude is a superpower

Everyone is wounded - some people take responsibility for their wounding with great awareness, growing, healing, blossoming - living with a sense of self understanding which yields more compassion for Self and others. Some may never experience the awakening that comes from intentional healing. The people who don’t do the work on themselves are living in pain and suffering. I can hold compassion for them, yet also create a boundary so their suffering doesn’t penetrate my body/mind/spirit. I’ve realized It’s not my responsibility to help anyone who isn’t willing to see or expand into a fuller expression of themselves despite how badly I want everyone to see their true nature. And I DO want everyone to see their true nature. 

Lessons arrive in unlikely places - when we least expect it 

Letting life squeeze us allows life to open us, bloom us, expand us and liberate us

Comparison is toxic. I am worthy and deserving and able to live my very best life. I give myself permission to do this - it’s not handed out by anyone else 

I’m free to self express and I do. Sharing my heart with the world around me gives me great purpose and fulfillment. 

Motherhood has taught me humility, humility, HUMILITY. Be humble. Stay humble. And laugh a lot. And unconditional love - something I hadn’t known until Ruby blessed my life. 

I’ve learned to be kind to myself - it’s a work in progress, but man is it necessary. 

The only way out is through. Cliche but true. You have to feel it to heal it

Every moment is an opportunity to begin again. Choose that more often 

I am supported. We are supported 

Resiliency is the nature of the human spirit 

Open mindedness/open heartedness is ALWAYS the path I want to take. The ability to remain flexible opens me up to adjusting and/or forming new and beautiful thoughts and beliefs. This matters in a big way. 

I’ve learned to always check my perceptions. They’re guiding how I relate to myself and the world around me. 

I relish the simple moments 

The mystery of life is intoxicating. 

Love is the answer. Always.

